Baptismal Group
Our church community is dedicated to imparting faith in God to our teens and young adults.
Not every participant ends our baptism courses with a new confession of faith or the intention to join our congregation. In the Mennonite tradition we practice “Believer’s Baptism” – that means it’s important to us that our young adults decide for themselves whether they want to be baptized or not. We offer a two-year baptism class in which we guide you through topics like faith, the bible, our congregation, and deciding to be baptized.
It’s our strong conviction that belief cannot be coerced on a person, and we don’t intend to try. Rather, it’s a beautiful and exciting experience when a student chooses belief in God and/or wants to be baptized into our community, both for those making the decision and for us as a congregation!
It’s worth mentioning as well that adults have come to us with questions about baptism or being a part of our congregation. Our pastors are happy to talk to anyone about these or other questions of faith.