
by | Jun 21, 2017

Mennonites are a group of Protestant Christians named after Menno Simons (1496-1561). They believed that his writings and teachings correctly articulated the theology of the early Swiss founders and original Baptist reformers. As a part of this tradition they also belong to the Evangelical Freechurch in Germany. More information about Menno Simons and the origin of our church can be found at Wikipedia

Peace Church Tradition
Mennonite along with Quakers belong to a tradition of pacifism and active peacemaking.

Autonomy of the Congregation
A Mennonite congregation is not only ungoverned by a regional or state-wide body, but also independent among other Congregations.

Adult Baptism
Although this is no longer a practice exclusive to Churches in our historical tradition, adult baptism remains an important element in Mennonite belief.

Priesthood of all Believers
This translates today into the opportunity for all church members to be preaching members and to be valued as individuals in the community.

Mennonites in Germany
Our congregation belongs to the Committee of South-German Mennonite Congregations. Information on this and other Mennonite organizations can be found at

International Conference
Mennonites are also connected across nations. There are many sources of information on the internet. Among them are the website of the Mennonite World Conference ( and the website of the Mennonite Central Committee in the USA (